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Bible Studying And Reading, Know Their Difference


It is a great habit to read the bible but, it is way better to study the passages and verses in it. This article is meant to inspire and educate people on how they can have deeper relation and stronger bond with God. Without further ado, let's look what bible reading and bible studying is.


When you read the bible, this means that you're just reading the words on pages superficially and find no meaning in it. They do not let words to have impact on their lives. As for someone who is just reading the bible, it is lacking of life. There aren't any notes taken or even recorded impressions so if they receive a blessing, it's forgotten soon enough.


Reading is not actually bad but this is able to replace secular books and articles that crowd out our spiritual things. If reading is viewed as a way on saturating the mind with God's Words in addition to studying, then it can be very beneficial.


Speaking of studying, what is really meant by meant by bible studying? Believe it or not, studying is a process wherein someone thoughtfully and carefully spends time in their bible. In this method, this consists of interpretation, application and observation with paper and pen in hand. The words will start to take shape and make an impressions upon its reader the true importance of integrating it into their day to day lives. The notes that are taken are meant for comparison and review of future studies. Make sure to visit this website at to know more about the bible.


Let's now proceed on how bible reading and bible studying is different from each other now that you know why they matter.


As a matter of fact, there are 3 major differences between studying and reading and these are the method, experience and attitude.


Attitude of reverence is divided into 2 terms like for example, when a student of bible reveres scriptures, they'll be drawn to search the pages carefully. Soon after, they'll develop a desire of searching it on other media or books and want to know the bible, quote bible, talk bible, share bible and study bible on Viral Believer.


There are some easy to follow methods that may be seen as differences between reading and studying. Since good methods can be passed on, they're more than enough to follow. Remember, the bible was not just meant for clergy or scholars as anyone can devote their time reading and studying it.


The life changing experience it has is another known difference between the two. If you're studying the bible at Viral Believer, it is more likely to have consistent conformity to the image of Christ.

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